Katie Michaelson
Everything Shortform
Aug 11, 2021

Thank goodness, thank goodness — they fixed it! I found it so frustrating I started a long humorous post about it. It began:

So when I log on to Medium I see; to my left an on-off switch and a volume control switch. There’s a lovely photo of one of my favorite writers to the left of the volume control. I imaging that’s so I can decide if I want to listen while I do dishes. Doing dishes is noisy, you know.

I didn’t even know we could listen to stories.

Thank goodness those youngsters paid to improve our experience changed things back. Let’s hope they learned:

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Now I can go find stories by my favorites. After I make a pot of tea.



Katie Michaelson
Everything Shortform

I’m a retired therapist who specialised in parenting. I write on the edge of verse and prose about plants and people and simple things.